Allora oggi . . . I am back in the USA.   Hhmmm . . . now the chore of laundry, shifting through two months worth of junk mail, emails, phone messages and general household catching up begins.  And yikes my garden has taken a beating in the heat and neglect of my two-month absence.  Other long-term efforts and possibly my biggest task involve integrating and merging my Italian experience with life in the US.  How do I reconcile the knowledge that fresh pecorino exists but is not available at my corner market.  Heck, in California, there are no corner markets, just strip malls.  What about mozzarella so fresh that it is still warm, remarkable gelato, and incredible cappuccino?  Where will I find these little treasures?  Can I replicate these experiences?  Or do I even try?  Is the unique encounter of Italy part of what makes the endeavor so special?  How will I prevent further erosion of my meager Italian language skills?  All of these questions swirl around in my head.  One question I have answered for myself is related to Allora Oggi.  I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging and intend to continue reflecting, writing and sharing through Allora Oggi.  Restate sintonizzati . . .