Viaggio in auto nell’ovest

Mi piace un viaggio in auto. Una delle mie cose preferite da fare durante il viaggio in auto è ascoltare i podcasts di il “thomas jefferson hour”. Durante nostro viaggio questa settimana abbiamo ascoltato due importanti podcasts . . . almeno da la mia prospettiva loro erano importanti. Il primo il podcast era su Palladio è la sua influenza sulla prospettiva di Thomas Jefferson e architettura negli stati uniti. In particulare, questo podcast era sulla mostra in Vincenza, Italia. c’era una intervista con Guido Beltramini. Lui è il direttore di Museo Palladio e lui ha parlato in inglese durante la intervista. Allora, ho potuto capire la intervista. Lui ha detto che la mostra arriverà agli stati uniti tardi questo anno. Questa mostra sarà in Virginia.

Una altra interssante podcast era su Platone . . . più su Platone più tardi.


Premonitions and Dreams

So perhaps this particular early morning dream does not quite count as a premonition because it was just a matter of time . . . but the other morning I dreamt that I was attending a Bernie Sanders press conference where Bernie was expected to endorse Hillary Clinton. (This dream occurred the same morning that Bernie actually did endorse Hillary – crazy right!) Anyway, during my Bernie Sanders dream his staff were in attendance hovering and the overall mood was one of reluctant resignation. One recollection from the dream was about a campaign staffer describing how cruel and dreadful she needed to be when interacting with Bernie. Apparently, in my dream this particular staffer was responsible for pressuring Bernie into throwing in the presidential campaign towel. Part of the dream vibe around this scenario pertained to the staffer grumbling about how intense and extensive she had worked her strong-arm tactics in order to get Bernie to resign. This staff person was concerned that Bernie would not fall in line thus requiring more coercive methods on her part to cajole a resignation. This sounds more like a reoccurring dream (nightmare) Hillary would have been having over the past several weeks.

It is not that I believe this particular dream is all that remarkable and a bag of chips, but recently I have been reading Carl Jung’s work related to astrology, psychology and dreams. Some things I have always found fascinating about dreams are the frequent inability to remember them; the fragmented aspects and muddled scenes that constitute a dream; the unrelated content; and connections and personalities contained in the dreams.

For example, the final memory from this dream included a scene where Bernie and his wife are going down the road in the wrong direction, I think they were in a car but I do not actually remember. Anyway, a Harley Davidson type dude on a motorcycle coolly points them in the right direction. The motorcycle dude’s exchanges with Bernie and his wife would indicate that he does not know who they are. He (motorcycle dude) is just doing what motorcycle dudes do . . . give directions when someone needs them. I was down the road a bit as an observer of this particular scenario and I did not know the “dude” interacting with Bernie but I was thinking “how cool is that” the dude was talking with Bernie.

Maybe I can dream up a session with Doctor Jung and discover the psychological implications of this dream.

Premonizione e pazzi sogni

Allora forse questo particolare presto mattina sogno non conte come a una premonizione perchè era solo una questione di tempo . . . ma stamattina ho sognato che stavo partecipando a una conferenza stampa dove la gente si aspettava che Bernie approvasse Hillary Clinton. Caspita! quando ho svegliato, c’era la notizia che Bernie Sanders aveva approvato Hillary. Quanto pazzo è quello? Comunque, una altra parte di il mio sogno che io vagamente ricordo qualcosa su una conversazione oppure io che stavo per avere discussione con una la donna da Fresno chi è una sostenitrice di Hillary. Era uno strano sogno.

Tra il dire e il fare c’è di mezzo il mare

A tutti i miei amici italiani, in anticipo – mi dispiace per tutti sbagli quello ho fatto con vostra bella lingua.

Per quattro anni avevo voluto a scrivere sul mio blog in italiano. Inizialmente non ho abilità per scrivere e probabile non ancora avere abilità a scrivere. Ma ero inspirato di scrittrice che ha scritto un libro sulla sua esperienza con vivendo in italia e imparando italiano. Siccome avevo stato leggendo il libro, il mio vocabulario abbia cresciuto. il mio insegnante italiano probabilimente non potrà accordo ma quando leggo mi più capisco il testo. è molto utili che la scrittore del libro non è italiana. c’era così divertente ieri perchè il capitolo che ho letto era sul articoli. Mamma mia, italiano articoli sono così difficile e io ancora fare sbaglia quando faccio grammatica esercizi sul duolingo.

Dreams oppure sogni

Allora oggi . . . Bobby Flay stopped by my house to say hello and I took the opportunity to tell him that I do not like his new television show. This of course was all in my early morning dream state – not sure why I would be dreaming about Bobby Flay or why I would be critiquing his new television show. Does Bobby Flay even have a new television show? Anyway, that is beside the point. His response to my critique was related to something about needing to do a show, to fill the television space, or some such rationale. Having a come back for nearing everything, I say to Bobby Flay, something about examples of really good television why would you chose to do something crappy thus adding to all the shit shows currently in existence. Seriously, all of this dialogue is in my dream. While Bobby is at my house, he shares with me a cooking tip using premade cookie dough. Really, premade cookie dough!? I don’t even consume premade cookie dough and I highly doubt that Bobby Flay has ever touched the stuff. Somebody (namely me) needs to cut back on their consumption of “Chopped”. After my cooking lesson with Bobby, he takes off, probably to someone else’s dream, and the rest of my dream is about an internal debate whether to blog about my interaction with Bobby Flay or post it on Facebook. That is all I remember, with the exception of laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe when retelling this story to my spouse. I wonder what Carl Jung would have to say about the dream . . . that will be my next post.